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How to Buy Tickets for Gardens in the Wild

Please complete the Name and Address section below and enter the number of tickets you require for your chosen event(s)

When you are finished please send to the address under payment options.

Booking Form

Payment options


Please fill in the form and press submit at the bottom of the page.

To pay :

Send a cheque made payable to:
Gardens in the Wild

We will send you e-tickets or printed tickets if a SAE is included.



By Post
Please fill in the form, print and post to:

Gardens in the Wild
Castle House

To pay :
Send a cheque with your form made payable to:
Gardens in the Wild

We will send you e-tickets or printed tickets if a SAE is included.


By Phone
If you want to buy tickets over the phone, call 07501 190522.
We may not answer straight away but will call you back as soon as we can.